Long Tall Sally

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As Long Tall Sally sits under AK Retail Holdings Ltd alongside Yours Clothing, BadRhino and M&Co, you are also able to return online purchases to any of these locations free of charge for less than 6 items. Click the toggle to see all stores available for returns.
*There are currently no physical stores for Long Tall Sally.
*Please note that online orders cannot be returned to Outlet stores.
yc clothing
Yours Clothing

Store location

Bad Rhino store

Store location

Outlet – Yours, Long Tall Sally & BadRhino

Discounted Women’s and Men’s clothing range

M&Co store

Store location

Evans store

Store location

No stores to display in your country

As Long Tall Sally sits under AK Retail Holdings Ltd alongside Yours Clothing, BadRhino and M&Co, you are also able to return online purchases to any of these locations free of charge for less than 6 items. Click the toggle to see all stores available for returns.
*There are currently no physical stores for Long Tall Sally.
*Please note that online orders cannot be returned to Outlet stores.